01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR
Nursery and Reception Classes
All our blue links are interactive - please be click happy!

Our EYFS Parent Brochure - Please read about all we offer our children

We have two classes in our fantastic unit along with a wonderful outdoor space which children have daily access to. 

We want our children to be as independent as possible. Have a read of 'Why Children Need to be Independent'.

We love being outside and all children are taught to 'tog' themselves up in our waterproof suits and each have a pair of wellies! 

Our EYFS Curriculum Intent, Implementation, Impact Statement  


Reception class have been reading The Gingerbread Man and Biscuit Bear - we were scientists to explore raw ginger by using our senses, chopping and grating it and we tested which liquids would dissolve the gingerbread man the quickest. 

We tasted gingerbread men biscuits and even Ginger Beer!!

We LOVE exploring the elements in our EYFS outdoor area - look at us creating a super mud slide and having lots of fun! We learn to clean up afterwards too - cleaning our wellies and making sure our hands are clean.

Our whole school Christmas Craft session theme was 3d - it was lots of fun - all the artwork we made together was then hung all around our school to decorate for Christmas - beautiful!

We have met Mrs Brown's spider, she is called Spyro and she likes to eat crickets!

Her bones are outside of her skin and she sheds her skin just like a snake.

Look at some of our drawings of her - we had to look carefully at her body, head, 8 legs and 2 feelers.

Our first Stay and Play of the year for Nursery, Reception and Year 1 - autumnul themed.

Our next Parent Stay and Play will be linked to our Diwali learning on Thursday 16th November...

Our trip to Hyndburn Fire Station - linked to Bonfire Night and Fire Safety.

We walked to the post box to post our Valentines Cards.

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Chinese New Year Stay and Play - we played Chinese music and made lots of exciting things including lanterns, fans and dragons!

Reception had a brilliant trip to Thornton Hall Farm to meet all the animals and visit Santa in his grotto!

Diwali and Firework Parent Stay and Play 

We invited parents and carers to stay and play outdoors with us - we had lots of fun together...

Our EYFS team worked hard to achieve the Lancashire 'Step Outdoors' Award throughout 2020



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The EYFS staff team have worked together to improve and develop the maths provision indoors and out. 

In 2019 we were accredited with the 'Lancashire Quality Award Mathematics in the Early Years'.  


We love to learn about maths through our play - 

EYFS Knowledge Organiser

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Keep checking the EYFS page for more photos and news about what the children have been learning.