01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Year 4

Teacher: Mrs Vincent

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Alderson

Year 4 Curriculum Overview document


PE days are Tuesdays - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit 

Spelling Test Day is Friday

Homework is reading 3 x week, X tables Rock Stars weekly, Spelling Shed weekly and our termly topics 


Year 4 are currently Reading...

The Time Travelling Cat and The Egyptian Goddess




The Secrets of a Sun King






We are reading The Time Travelling Cat and The Egyptian Goddess in which we will write our own version of the story opening and we will create some persusive leaflets about Ancient Egypt linked to this.

Secrets of Sun King is our 'Love for Reading' class novel for us to enjoy reading together. 


Summer 1

Jewel of the Nile



Our Big Question - The Nile: River of life or Death? 


Literacy - The Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess -  Narrative Story Openings and Information Leaflets

History - Ancient Egyptian's

Geography - Rivers and Mountains

Art - Scupture: Clau - Egyptian artefacts and amulets

RE- Islam - Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?














Spring 2

Burps, Bottoms and Bile

Our Big Question- What do our bodies do with the food we eat? 


Literacy - The Last Bear - Climate Change Documentary and Narrative Story Openings

Science - Teeth and the Digestive System 

Geography- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

Art- Fruit Art

DT- Heatly Lunches

RE- Christianity and the Easter Story



Spring 1

Criminal Cats

Our Big Question- Is water always a liquid?


Literacy-   Classical Poetry- Macavity

Science-  States of Matter

Art- Cat eyes/ illustrations

RE- Sikhism

States_of_matter_KO.docx .docx

Autumn 2

Fantasy and Fireworks!

Our Big Question- Can we control electricity?


Literacy-   Integrated Unit

Stories with Fantasy setting- Rumaysa 

 Innovated Narrative based on a plot inspired by a novel




Science- Electricity

DT- Light up Christmas Card

RE- Hinduism


Electricty_KO.docx .docx

Autumn 1

Raiders and Invaders!

Our Big Question- Were all Vikings bad?


Literacy- Viking Boy and Newspaper Reports 

History- Vikings

Geography- Scandinavia 

Art- Sketching

Science- Sound

RE- Christianity and The Bible

Our Viking Knowledge Organiser.

Vikings_KO.pdf .pdf

Year 4 Kirfs

HUNCOAT_KIRFS.pptx .pptx

Year 4 Weekly Spellings

Spelling_Shed_Stage_4_Full_Scheme_Scheme.pptx .pptx