01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Teacher: Miss Gregory 

Teaching Assistant:  Miss Mayor  


A copy of the Year 5 curriculum overview can be downloaded below.


HUNCOAT Year 5 Curriculum Map


PE days are on Thursday mornings - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit at all times. These will be sent home every half term for a wash!

Spelling Test Day is every Friday (Please access spelling shed x3 a week using your username and password. 

Homework is reading 3 times a week, recording in reading journals, accessing times table rockstars and completing 3 termly homework tasks.

HOMEWORK - Spelling shed 3 times per week, read at home 3 times per week and times table rockstars 3 timer per week.

PE days are on Thursday mornings - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit at all times. These will be sent home every half term for a wash!

Year 5 are currently reading...

The Windrush Child - By Benjamin Zephaniah. 


Term: Summer 1  

Unravelling the thread - Lancashire Cotton Industry/Transatlantic Slavery.

Where do our clothes come from?

Hello! Welcome to Year 5's page on our School website. On this page, you will be able to find all of the learning that is currently taking place in our class this half term. 


Fiction & Non-fiction unit - Narrative Poetry - The Jabberwocky (Weeks 1-7).

This half term, we are going to be reading and responding to the poem, 'The Jabberwocky' written by Lewis Carroll. We are going to be exploring unfamiliar vocabulary, exploring how the word classes contribute to the meaning of the words and we will be considering the themes within the poem and how this forms a story. The children will be analysing the poem thoroughly, writing letters from character's perspectives and rehearsing the poem orally with actions. The outcome of the unit is for the children to create their own 'Jabberwocky' style character, innovating the poem and writing their own narrative poem based on an imaginary creature - the children will change their narrative poem into a story.  We will finsh our English unit looking at 'The Return of the Jabberwock'. Within this unit, the children will be writing a range of fiction and non-fiction pieces. 

https://youtu.be/GLQos7-Vq8M - The Jabberwock Video


Week 1 - Place value including decimals.

Week 2 - Fractions.

Week 3 - Measures (Time and converting units) statistics.

Week 4 - Geometry.

Week 5 - Addition and Subtraction.

Week 6 - Multiplication and Division


Key focus people: Jon Lok & William Towerson

BIG QUESTION: Where do our clothes come from?

This half term we are going to be looking at where our clothes come from.

We are going to be looking at local history - The Lancashire Cotton industry.

We are also going to be making links between Lancashire Cotton Industry and the Transatlantic triangular slave trade. 


This half term we are going to be studying vector drawings.  


Other foundation subjects

PSHE - Relationships. 

R.E (Where can we find guidance?) - Christianity - The Church. 

How do people decide what to believe?

French - Space/Solar System (adjectives and prepositions)



  Below you can find some of our knowledge organisers and our termly newsletter.

Please also see the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. These are words which children need to learn by the end of Year 6. 


Below is our spelling overview for the year and Summer terms homework:
