School Admissions
To access the 2025 – 2026 admission arrangements and the admission numbers please click on the links below.
Please read the attached for information on in-year admissions and appeals to schools within our LET Education Trust school:
Admissions Statement for LET Education Trust 2023-24
Admissions Statement for LET Education Trust 2024-25
Admissions Statement for LET Education Trust 2025-26
Children who attend Huncoat's nursery have a higher chance of being offered a place for the reception intake.
Our Nursery:
At Huncoat Primary School we have a Nursery class that accepts 26 children from the age of 3. Where places are available your child will be invited to attend the term after their 3rd birthday. Please ring our Office for details about places in our Nursery and putting names down on a waiting list. .
Please see out EYFS page for more details about our Nursery and Reception Classes.
Reception Admissions
Applying for a school place is an exciting and important decision for any family and we strongly urge you to do your research when making this choice for your child. Initially, you should always read the school’s admission arrangements and you can find ours by clicking on the link below. Children can start reception year at primary school from the September after their fourth birthday.
- If there are more applications than places the school’s admission arrangements contains all the rules used to decide which children we can offer a place to. The birth rate in the area for that year also plays a big part on the places offered. The closer your home is to the school, the better chance you have of being offered a place.
· Please be aware that your family’s childcare arrangements can’t be taken into account when allocating places. You should explore all options to make an informed decision.
· Please make sure that you use all of your three choices on the Lancashire County Council admission form as this will give you a better chance of getting a place at a school you want.
Putting down one single option does not give you a better chance of getting that particular school. All school preferences are equal and schools are not allowed to favour a child who listed the school as their first preference. Where more than one offer is possible,
only then will the priority order on your application be considered as a tie-break. Where a place at none of your preferred preferences is available, an alternative offer will be made.
· A late application may reduce your chances of getting a place at a preferred school.
Please read the attached for information on in-year admissions and appeals to schools within our LET Education Trust school:
In-Year Admissions Applications, Appeals and School Waiting Lists
Appeal Hearing 2024
The LET Education Trust is its own admissions authority and therefore responsible for administering any in-year admission applications. Please click here to access further information about in-year applications, appeals and waiting lists