01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Teacher: Mrs Vincent 

Teaching Assistant:  Mrs Hardman and Mrs Hoagn (pm)


A copy of the Year 5 curriculum overview can be downloaded below.


Year 5 Curriculum Map

PE days are on Thursday mornings - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit at all times. These will be sent home every half term for a wash!

Spelling Test Day is every Friday (Please access spelling shed x3 a week using your username and password. 

Homework is reading 3 times a week, recording in reading journals, accessing times table rockstars and completing 3 termly homework tasks.

HOMEWORK - Spelling shed 3 times per week, read at home 3 times per week and times table rockstars 3 timer per week.

PE days are on Thursday mornings - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit at all times. These will be sent home every half term for a wash!

Year 5 are currently reading...

Space School Blast Off - Tom & Tony Bradman.  


Term: Summer 2  

To Infinity and Beyond - The Solar System

Why do we need to know about space?

Hello! Welcome to Year 5's page on our School website. On this page, you will be able to find all of the learning that is currently taking place in our class this half term. 


Fiction - Science Fiction Stories

Outcome - A science fiction story to entertain an identified outcome. 

GPS: Linking ideas across paragraphs using fronted adverbials for time and place. 

Relative clauses with the omitted relative pronoun (that)

Expanded noun phrases - using complex sentence. 

Non-fiction - Information booklets

Outcome: An information booklet that includes more than one non-fictioon text type (about the solar system). 

GPS: Devices to build cohesion and fronted adverbials for place. 



Week 1 and 2 - Position and direction

Week 3 and 4 - Decimal numbers 

Week 5 - Assessment week.

Week 6 and 7- Negative numbers and conversions. 


Key focus people: Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin.

BIG QUESTION: Why do we need to know about space?

Are there any physical features in the Solar System?

This half term we are going to be looking at planets in the solar system.

We are going to be looking at the position of the Earth and Moon in relation to the Sun.

We are going to study the phases of the moon and how these create night and day.

We are going to link our leaning to our forces unit and study why gravitational pull is so important. 

Within this unit, we will also look at constellation (study of the stars). 


This half term we are going to be studying programming B (Selection in quizzes)


Cross curricular - To make a film trailer about the solar system.

Other foundation subjects

PSHE - Changes and changing me 

R.E (Where can we find guidance?) - Judaism (laws)

Do people need laws to guide them?

Art/D.T  - Abstract Art - Planet surfaces (Artist study - Peter Thorpe)

Creating space buggies using CAMS. 

Music - Glockenspiel course. 



  Below you can find some of our knowledge organisers and our termly newsletter.

Please also see the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. These are words which children need to learn by the end of Year 6. 


Science Knowledge Organiser


Below is our spelling overview for the year and Summer terms homework:

01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Teacher: Mrs Vincent 

Teaching Assistant:  Mrs Hardman and Mrs Hoagn (pm)


A copy of the Year 5 curriculum overview can be downloaded below.


Year 5 Curriculum Map

PE days are on Thursday mornings - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit at all times. These will be sent home every half term for a wash!

Spelling Test Day is every Friday (Please access spelling shed x3 a week using your username and password. 

Homework is reading 3 times a week, recording in reading journals, accessing times table rockstars and completing 3 termly homework tasks.

HOMEWORK - Spelling shed 3 times per week, read at home 3 times per week and times table rockstars 3 timer per week.

PE days are on Thursday mornings - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit at all times. These will be sent home every half term for a wash!

Year 5 are currently reading...

Space School Blast Off - Tom & Tony Bradman.  


Term: Summer 2  

To Infinity and Beyond - The Solar System

Why do we need to know about space?

Hello! Welcome to Year 5's page on our School website. On this page, you will be able to find all of the learning that is currently taking place in our class this half term. 


Fiction - Science Fiction Stories

Outcome - A science fiction story to entertain an identified outcome. 

GPS: Linking ideas across paragraphs using fronted adverbials for time and place. 

Relative clauses with the omitted relative pronoun (that)

Expanded noun phrases - using complex sentence. 

Non-fiction - Information booklets

Outcome: An information booklet that includes more than one non-fictioon text type (about the solar system). 

GPS: Devices to build cohesion and fronted adverbials for place. 



Week 1 and 2 - Position and direction

Week 3 and 4 - Decimal numbers 

Week 5 - Assessment week.

Week 6 and 7- Negative numbers and conversions. 


Key focus people: Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin.

BIG QUESTION: Why do we need to know about space?

Are there any physical features in the Solar System?

This half term we are going to be looking at planets in the solar system.

We are going to be looking at the position of the Earth and Moon in relation to the Sun.

We are going to study the phases of the moon and how these create night and day.

We are going to link our leaning to our forces unit and study why gravitational pull is so important. 

Within this unit, we will also look at constellation (study of the stars). 


This half term we are going to be studying programming B (Selection in quizzes)


Cross curricular - To make a film trailer about the solar system.

Other foundation subjects

PSHE - Changes and changing me 

R.E (Where can we find guidance?) - Judaism (laws)

Do people need laws to guide them?

Art/D.T  - Abstract Art - Planet surfaces (Artist study - Peter Thorpe)

Creating space buggies using CAMS. 

Music - Glockenspiel course. 



  Below you can find some of our knowledge organisers and our termly newsletter.

Please also see the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. These are words which children need to learn by the end of Year 6. 


Science Knowledge Organiser


Below is our spelling overview for the year and Summer terms homework:
