01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR


Our school has a duty to publish certain policies on the website. The timetable for reviewing policies differs with each one – the one that is published on the website will always be the latest one held in school, irrespective of the date on the footer of each policy and all policies are agreed by the LET Trust or Governing Body throughout the academic year. 

Policies are reviewed and amended taking into account the latest DFE guidelines and in consultation with the staff and governors.

This page contains links to a range of school policies.

Our SEN policy/ local offer is on a separate page: Key Information - SEND 

If there is a policy you cannot find or you would like a paper copy of any policy please contact the school.

When opening a policy please press 'enable editing' to read in correct Word format  




School Policies (General)

suspension_and_permanent_exclusion_from_maintained_schools__academies_and_pupil_referral_units_in_england__incl.pdf .pdf
school-charging-policy.doc .doc
privacy-notice-huncoat-school-pupils.odt .odt
social-networking-sites-and-social-media---policy---dec-2020.pdf .pdf
Huncoat School Safeguarding and CP Policy 2023-24.docx.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding Policy Huncoat Primary School 2024 25.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding- Flowchart.pdf .pdf
LET Whistleblowing Policy v2.pdf .pdf
Huncoat Behaviour Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Behaviour for Learning Policy.pdf .pdf

School Policies (Curriculum)

Marking, Feedback and Presentation Policy.pdf .pdf
Online Safety Policy.pdf .pdf
Huncoat Curriculum Policy.docx.pdf .pdf
Teaching and Learning Policy.pdf .pdf

PSHE and Relations, Sex Education Policies

PSHE policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Relationship and Sex Education Policy.pdf .pdf
Statutory Health Education.pdf .pdf
Statutory Relationships Education.pdf .pdf

School Complaints Procedure

If you have a concern that you would like to discuss please make an appointment to see a member of staff.

Usually, concerns can be dealt with effectively by the class teacher or a member of the School Leadership Team.

If you require to speak to the Headteacher, please contact the school for an appointment.

A copy of the School Complaints Procedure is available below.

Data Protection GDPR

From May 2018 Data Protection is Changing! Please see below the new Policy for Data Protection Policy for Pupils. The Data Protection Officer at Huncoat is Mrs M Green in the office. All Policies can be given as a paper copy if you request one from the office.

Privacy Policy (Pupils)  

Letter May 2018 for Parents