01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Year 4

Teacher: Miss Gregory

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Cree

Year 4 Curriculum Overview document


PE day is Monday morning - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit 

Spelling Test Day is Friday

Homework is reading 3 x week - record on your bookmark, X tables Rock Stars weekly, Spelling Shed weekly. 


Please complete the weekly spellings we send home and the weekly times table tasks - times tables are really important in Year 4. 


Year 4 are currently Reading...


Autumn term - Year 4 

Raiders and Invaders!

Our Big Question- Were all Vikings bad?


Literacy- Fiction - Stories on a theme - Viking boy

Non fiction -  Newspaper Reports 

Maths Autumn 1 & 2 - Place value, addition & subtraction, measurement (area) and multiplication & division.

History- Vikings - Were all Vikings bad? 

Geography- Scandinavia (physical and human features)

Art- Sketching and shading (Viking knots/dragon eyes/heads)

Science- Sound - How do we hear different sounds?

R.E- Christianity and The Bible - How and why might Christians use the bible?


Useful times table websites and games for your child/children: 

Multiplication Tables Check - 2024 - Timestables.co.uk

Times tables games and songs 1-12 - BBC Bitesize 

Year 4, Key Stage 2, Practice Times Tables Tests (Multiplication Tables Check) (talkingtimestables.uk) 

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk) 

Our Viking Knowledge Organiser.

Vikings_KO.pdf .pdf
Spelling_Shed_Stage_4_Full_Scheme_Scheme.pptx .pptx