01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Our Trips and Visitors

These are some of our exciting trips and visitors we have experienced recently...



Sept:             Year 6 went to Hothersall Lodge on their Residentialfor 3 days

                      Year 3 went to Accrington Stanley to colect their shirts! 

Oct:               Year 2 went on a local walk to the Coppice as part of Geography

                      Year 4 had an exciting Viking visit them

                      Year 5 went on thePendle Trail - linked to their Local History and Art theme 

                      EYFS/Yr1/Yr2: had an exciting day when Little Village Pop Up came and they role played vets/ cafes/ supermarkets/ nuseries/ clinics

                      On Aspirations Day we had visitors from: The Army/ Architects/ Engineers/ Vets/ Fire/ Police/ Acrington Stanley

Nov:              Reception went to visit the local Fire Station to learn about Bonfire Safety

                      Yr5/6 had a first aid workshop and leant about CPR skills

                      Yr2 went to Gawthorpe Hall to learn about Christmas Past 

Dec:              Reception and Yr4 had the Dentist visit all about oral hygiene and their teeth 



June:           We had our Whole School Trip to Park View in Lytham