Class Teacher: Miss R MacMahon
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Brown
A copy of the Year 1 curriculum overview can be downloaded below.
PE lessons will take place Monday PM.
Please ensure your child has the correct PE Kit in school for the first day of term and ALL items are clearly labelled with your child's name (including pumps)
Stories featuring Dragons
Children will be read to by the class teacher each day for 15 minutes which will be linked to the different topics that the children are learning about. A wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books will be used throughout each term. This will help children to develop their listening skills, introduce them to new and challenging vocabulary, and will allow them to become familiar with different genres of books.
Things to Remember...
Home Reading Books
Reading books will be sent home in the first week of term and all home reading books will be matched to the phonic sounds your child has been learning. Please aim to read daily with your child.
Reading books can be changed each day but only if an adult has signed the reading record (yellow book) to say that their child has read and has finished their reading book.
Children should remember to put any books that need changing into the pink 'Home Reading Book Changing' box. Each full book a child reads will be recorded and a prize given for every 25 books completed.
Snack Time
Snack time takes place at morning playtime. The snack consists of a vegetable or a piece of fruit. If your child does not like the snack provided by school, a piece of fruit or vegetable snack can be sent in from home.
Water bottles
Children should bring water bottles into school each day and should be filled with water (not juice or fizzy drinks). They will be kept in a tray in the sink and the children will have access to them throughout the day.
Guided Reading
Children will have Guided Reading lessons for 25 mins Mon-Thursday. Children will be put into groups of no more than 6 pupils and each book will match their phonic ability. Each group will be guided by an adult and will allow children to develop their fluency, sight reading and comprehension skills.
This term we will be reading Zog. We will develop our key reading and writing skills based around this book and finally write our own dragon story. You can access the Key Learning Skills required in year one, for reading and writing, in the documents below.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Key Learning in Reading.pdf | |||
Key Learning in Writing .pdf |
In the spring term children will be developing their fluency and problem solving in Addition and Subtraction and place value within 20. Children will continue to regulary practice the Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF's) from spring 1. These are key mathematical facts that children should be able to answer quickly. A paper copy will be sent home for children to practice frequently. Please see the below document with the year one KIRF's.
Useful websites
Number bonds game -
Check out the ideas on this webpage -
Numbers to 100 game -
Counting songs with Jack Hartman
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
key-learning-in-mathematics---year-1.pdf | |||
huncoat-year-one-kirfs.pptx | .pptx |
Children will have a 25 minute daily phonics lesson and children will be split into groups according to their phonic knowledge. The majority of phonics taught in year 1 will be phase 5 with phase 2-4 being regularly recapped. Children will have regular phonics screening checks to practice for the Phonics Statutory Assessment at the end of the year. Please download the document below to see the overview of the sounds your child will be learning:
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
overview_of_letters_and_sounds.pdf |
Watch these videos to help your child with their Phonic Sounds and how to pronounce the sounds...
Children will have 10 spellings to learn each week, all linked to a specific phonic sound or spelling pattern and will be tested on them every Friday. All the spellings are available on the Spelling Shed website and each child has their individual login to access the website/app. Children will also be given a paper copy to enable them to practice writing them down. The booklets are sent home at the beginning of each half term and children will be tested each Friday.
Our history unit this term is The Great Fire of London. Children will learn when, where, why and how the fire started and ended. They will begin to make historical enquiries and understand why this is an imporant historical event. They will compare then and now and understand what changes were made as a result of the fire.
Religious Education
Islam and creation
Big Question - What do people say about God? (Our focus question for the year)
Focus Question - How might beliefs about creation affect the way people treat the world?
In our RE lessons we will be learning all about Islam and the muslim belief in Allah as the creator. Children will consider Allah’s role in creating and sustaining the world. Pupils will reflect on their responsibility towards creation and how we treat the world and all the living things in it.