Pupil Parliament is overseen by Miss Gregory.
What is Pupil Parliament?
Pupil Parliament is a group of pupils elected by their fellow pupils to represent their opinions within school and to organise events to raise money for our school. Our Pupil Parliament is made up of two pupils from each class who have been elected by their peers. We meet once a fortnight to discuss suggestions made by our class friends and to raise any issues that we feel need to be addressed.
The Pupil Parliament at Huncoat Primary School aims to:
Meet our School Cabinet 2024-25:
Pupil Prime Minister and Assembly Voice (Year 6): Isla
Deputy Prime Minister: (Year 6): Alfie
Treasurer: (Year 6): Georgia
Year 5 Representatives: Amelia and Rohan
Year 4 Representatives: Layla and Stanley
Year 3 Representatives: Imogen and Hallie
Digital leader:
ECO Warriors: Each class have two 'Eco warriors'. The purpose of their role is to turn lights/monitors and screens off when they are not being used. They also attend meetings with pupil parliament at certain times of the year to discuss new projects or ideas on how to become a more eco-friendly school.
Pupil parliament presented their own 'mental health' assembly to the rest of the school on Monday 5th February. They gave out top tips on what might help others when they are finding times difficult.
This week, (14th-18th November 2022) our pupil parliament have been taking part in UK pupil parliament week. We received an exciting package.. take a look!
Pupil voice from pupil parliament:
'I love how we have a real meeting every week and we get to say our own things' - Imogen.
'I like how my role in pupil parliment is important and it gives me a purpose to make our school better' - Lottie.
'It makes me feel really proud when I attend pupil parliament. We learn about the value of democracy in assemblies and I think it is important that we get to vote for things and get to air our own opinions' - Oscar.
'My favourite part of pupil parliament is organising events where we can sell things like cakes and toys so that we raise money to buy things that we want for our school' by Penny.