01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Our School Behaviour

We work really hard at Huncoat to show the  amazing behaviour from our children, whilst also understanding a wide range of needs within our school. We believe our School Values help instill good behaviour in all our children and as adults we demonstrate our School Values in all we do.

See below for some of the ways we help, support, encourage and praise good behaviour from our children: 

Our Nurturing approach is one of our school drivers, where Valuing and Respecting each other, is at the heart of our Huncoat Ethos. 


Our Owlets:

When our children are rewarded for their hard work, the right growth mindset attitude, for listening, for showing our Huncoat Values and for displaying good behaviours - the children earn an OWLET. 

When they have 25 owlets they can go shopping in our shop for a prize, the children can save up to 50 or 75 owlets for better prizes.



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We had an Owlet Party in July - we had face painting/ penalty shoot outs/ ice lollies/ drinks/ colouring competitions - a great way to save and spend the end of year Owlets! 

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Good to be Green

If children display good behaviours throughout the term, they will be invited to a 'Good to be Green' Treat. So far we have had:

Olwets party - spend your pwlets on face painting/ craft etc 

A visit off Santa

Christmas Craft 

A snow party

A PJ, dvd and Hot chocolate morning 

An afternoon at Huncoat Festival

Baking Christmas Goodies

A Nerf Battle/ Water Battle

Watching a Magician 

Dinner Time Behaviour 

We work very hard at Huncoat to promote our best behaviours at dinner time. We do this by:

Support from our PE coach who plays alongside classes, prmoting manners, rules and fairness as well as enjoyment for playing together in teams

Having access to a wide range of activities ie ball games/ scooters/ mile a day track/ cricket/ skipping/ hockey

Owlets given at dinner time

Dinner Time nurture if we need it!


Barriers to Behaviour

Being a Trauma Informed School:

A trauma informed school is one that is able to support children who suffer with trauma or mental health problems and whose troubled behaviour acts as a barrier to learning. 

At Huncoat our staff are Trauma Aware and we are...

  • Kind
  • Reflective
  • Speak calmly to others
  • Listen to and understand the needs of our children
  • Positive
  • Forgive and move on

We support our families with mental health through our Wellbeing Warriors programme, support from our ELSA TA and by offering support, advice/

Some of the barriers to learning can be read below:

Adverse Childhood Experiences


Adverse Childhood Experiences Poster 

ELSA TA: our ELSA TA works with arange of children who find learning difficult because of their behaviour, she works with children to help them control anger, emotions and to raise their own self esteeem. 


It’s a Gold for Huncoat !

We are proud to announce that in July 2017 we were assessed by an external advisor for the prestigious Behaviour Quality Mark award.

After spending all day in school, our assessor awarded us the highest accolade the Gold Award, recognizing our pupils behaviour across the school, systems to support behaviour in the school and relationships within the whole organization.

Well done to all of our pupils and staff in achieving this fantastic award

01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Our School Behaviour

We work really hard at Huncoat to show the  amazing behaviour from our children, whilst also understanding a wide range of needs within our school. We believe our School Values help instill good behaviour in all our children and as adults we demonstrate our School Values in all we do.

See below for some of the ways we help, support, encourage and praise good behaviour from our children: 

Our Nurturing approach is one of our school drivers, where Valuing and Respecting each other, is at the heart of our Huncoat Ethos. 


Our Owlets:

When our children are rewarded for their hard work, the right growth mindset attitude, for listening, for showing our Huncoat Values and for displaying good behaviours - the children earn an OWLET. 

When they have 25 owlets they can go shopping in our shop for a prize, the children can save up to 50 or 75 owlets for better prizes.



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We had an Owlet Party in July - we had face painting/ penalty shoot outs/ ice lollies/ drinks/ colouring competitions - a great way to save and spend the end of year Owlets! 

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Good to be Green

If children display good behaviours throughout the term, they will be invited to a 'Good to be Green' Treat. So far we have had:

Olwets party - spend your pwlets on face painting/ craft etc 

A visit off Santa

Christmas Craft 

A snow party

A PJ, dvd and Hot chocolate morning 

An afternoon at Huncoat Festival

Baking Christmas Goodies

A Nerf Battle/ Water Battle

Watching a Magician 

Dinner Time Behaviour 

We work very hard at Huncoat to promote our best behaviours at dinner time. We do this by:

Support from our PE coach who plays alongside classes, prmoting manners, rules and fairness as well as enjoyment for playing together in teams

Having access to a wide range of activities ie ball games/ scooters/ mile a day track/ cricket/ skipping/ hockey

Owlets given at dinner time

Dinner Time nurture if we need it!


Barriers to Behaviour

Being a Trauma Informed School:

A trauma informed school is one that is able to support children who suffer with trauma or mental health problems and whose troubled behaviour acts as a barrier to learning. 

At Huncoat our staff are Trauma Aware and we are...

  • Kind
  • Reflective
  • Speak calmly to others
  • Listen to and understand the needs of our children
  • Positive
  • Forgive and move on

We support our families with mental health through our Wellbeing Warriors programme, support from our ELSA TA and by offering support, advice/

Some of the barriers to learning can be read below:

Adverse Childhood Experiences


Adverse Childhood Experiences Poster 

ELSA TA: our ELSA TA works with arange of children who find learning difficult because of their behaviour, she works with children to help them control anger, emotions and to raise their own self esteeem. 


It’s a Gold for Huncoat !

We are proud to announce that in July 2017 we were assessed by an external advisor for the prestigious Behaviour Quality Mark award.

After spending all day in school, our assessor awarded us the highest accolade the Gold Award, recognizing our pupils behaviour across the school, systems to support behaviour in the school and relationships within the whole organization.

Well done to all of our pupils and staff in achieving this fantastic award