01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Welcome to Year 3

Teacher:  Mrs Longworth  

Teaching Assistant:  Mrs Alderson

Year 3 Curriculum Map




PE day is Thursday - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit



Spelling Test Day is Friday

Homework is reading 3 x week, X tables Rock Stars weekly, Spelling Shed weekly and our termly topics 

Year 3 are currently Reading for Pleasure

The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley

Weekly Spellings

 Below is a document with this half term's weekly spellings on. 

Assignments will be available on Spelling Shed to help your child practice their spellings.


Spring 1

Rock and Roll

This half term we are reading Stig of the Dump in Literacy and learning about Fossils Science, Christianity in RE, The Stone Age in History and Cave Paintings in Art.


Our Class Novel is - The Wild Way Home, but we will first be reading Stonehege, Stone Age Boy, Pepple in my Pocket and UG to enhance our topical knowledge.



KIRFS for this half term can  be seen below


Knowledge Organisers

RE.docx .docx
History Knowledge Organiser.docx .docx