01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Safeguarding and Child Protection 

At Huncoat Primary School we believe that everyone who comes into contact with children & their families has an important role to play in safeguarding children.

The School's Designated Safeguarding Lead is - Mrs R Dickinson - Head Teacher and our Safeguarding Leads are - Mrs Langley- Deputy Head Teacher/EYFS and Mrs Alldritt - Pastoral Support/ Mrs Benson - ELSA Lead 

The school's Mental Health Lead is Mrs R Dickinson

All staff have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children can learn. All staff have a responsibility to identify children who may be in need of extra help or who are suffering, or are likely to suffer significant harm.  All staff then have a responsibility to take appropriate action, working with other services as needed, this will include contacting relevant services if need be: Early Help Assessment Team/ Child Social care. 

Every member of staff receives annual training on Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and procedures and additional training on aspects such as online safety, PREVENT (the Governments approach to stopping radicalisation) and other current issues. Regular training throughout the year helps staff stay intouch with changes/ concerns/ new developments. 

Every staff member is aware of the system within Huncoat Primary School which support safeguarding – these are explained as part of staff induction and are reinforced at regular intervals.  This includes our Child Protection Policy, Staff Code of Conduct, and the role of the D.S.L (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Whistleblowing, Record Keeping - CPOMs

Please click on the links below, in particular “Keeping Children Safe in Education” this document refers to management of safeguarding in schools.

                              Staff are aware of the signs of abuse and neglect and maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned.

If staff have concern about a child they will raise these with Mrs Dickinson, the Head Teacher/ D.S.L.  We believe children and families have the right to receive the right to help at the right time to address risks and prevent issues escalating.  Concerns should always lead to help for the child.

Staff and volunteers must feel able to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practice and potential failures in the school’s safeguarding regime.  Huncoat Primary School’s whistleblowing procedures are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure such concerns are raised with the management team. 


What our Children say about being Safe:

"PSHE, Online Safety Lessons, Our Vocabulary, ICT lessons we learn - all helps us keep safe in school, at home and in the community"

                                                               "I feel 10/10 safe in school"                                         "Consent is asking permission first"                 "Consent is saying yes or no to someone"

"Behaviour - people here listen to both sides of the story and I like that"               "Behaviour/Bullying - there is always someone to help you at school"        "Behaviour - we respect each other"

                                             "Staff help us calm down and reassure us"              "I know who to go to is I am worried, feel unsafe, worried about my friends"       

  "The best thing about Huncoat is there are lots of adults who can help me when I am in a mood, upset and need someone"               "We learn about being safe in PSHE, assemblies, online safety lessons"


Click here to read:

Safeguarding Policy 

Safeguarding flow chart

Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2022

Whistleblowing Policy


Key Phone Numbers/emails:

Police: 111/999

Emergency Duty Team: 0300 123 6722

NSPCC: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/

Early Help at Huncoat
