01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Sports News  Keep up to date with all our sports news on this page.

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Youth Sports Trust

PE Challenge

Keeping Active 

Reception love their 'Forest School' outdoor sessions with Mr Radcliffe!

During autumn 1 we hunted for then picked blackberries and made blackberry paint by mixing salt and milk with them.

The Cross Country Team did really well this week - the whole team did so well out of the 70+ children taking part. 

One parent said "What an amazing opportunity for them, thanks for sourcing these events that he is lucky to take part in, It's amazing what they're achieving in sports as a school, they're very lucky.

Robert finishing 4th in the Cross Country

Our amazing football team did so well but unfortunately lost in the fianls and on penalties 13-12 as well! We are supper proud of the sportsmanship! Well done boys. 

Football Final!

We have been awarded the School Games GOLD award for our PE and Sports provision 2023/24....

The School Games Mark continues to reward schools for their commitment to and development of competition, school sport and physical education.

Find out more here https://www.yourschoolgames.com/about/school-games-mark/ 

Here are some of the achievements that helped us to gain GOLD!

  • Ensuring that all children in KS2 take part in either Level 1 (internal) or Level 2 (external) competitions.
  • Providing opportunities that attract less active children to participate in physical activity.
  • Providing opportunities for gifted and talented children to further broaden their experiences.
  • Providing a range of sporting experiences through lunchtimes, breakfast and after school clubs e.g. Archery, Scootering, Rounders, Kurling, Cricket and Basketball sessions.
  • Promoting sporting achievements on the school notice boards, social media and school website / communication systems.
  • Employing sports coaches to deliver Curriculum PE, Dance, Clubs and provide staff training.

National Girls Football Day

We celebrate National Girls Football Day to inspire Girls to join the sport!

To celebrate it being a Leap Year, we decided to raise money by leaping the week away during the 26th February – 1st March 2024!  

Each child completed a series of challenges which included: 

 Ã¼  Hopscotch    ü  Leaping like a frog    ü  Bouncing like a bunny    ü  Hopping on one leg    ü  Hurdling obstacles    ü  Reaching for the stars

We raised £100 to spend on P.E. equipment for our children - well done to everyone who took part and thank you to parents for donating!



Our girls took part in the national biggest girls football event again this year - what a beautiful sunny day it was for them and they had great fun.

Well done girls and thanks to Mr Radcliffe for coordinating it for us!


Nursery to Year 6 completed the Santa Dash around our Mile a Day track with our Christmas jumpers, hats or headbands on!

We had a 'dashing' time! :) 

KidzFit came into school to link PE, Science and Fitness together. They explained what our body can do with exercise.

The children had a great time learning but also with high impact Fitness.

This has linked to our Healthy STEM week in March too!

Year Five love Bikeability! The children learnt different ways of signaling and maneuvering on their bikes before going out on the road. The children really enjoyed it and received a certificate and badge of achievement! 

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We enjoyed a fun packed, very energetic zumba day that was great fun! 

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Take a look at Year 3 and 4 taking part at a Sports Event with a difference! 

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Look at our Forest Schools - our Year 2 class are loving this outdoor learning!

Key Stage One Dance Festival 

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New Age Kurling & Boccia Intra-School Competition

To end our Target Games unit of work, KS2 children have been participating in an Intra-School competition! So far the Red Team have been victorious on two occasions. 

Gifted and Talented Multi-Skills Event!

Take a look at some of our amazing reception children who represented the school at Christ the King Primary School in Burnley.

The children took part in a variety of balancing activities during one of our gifted and talented events.

Cross Country

Well done to our fantastic cross country team who took part in the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley competition.

Hothersall Lodge!

Take a look through some of our photos from Hothersall Lodge.

Our year 6 children took part in:

  • Canoeing 
  • Archery
  • Teach Challenges
  • Gorge Walking
  • Survival Skills
  • Orienteering

The children also learn vital life skills as they were responsible for their own safety with the help of qualified and experienced instructors!




 Year 3 and 4 Multi Sport Event
Some of our children represented our school at a multi sport event at Oakhill College. They took part in volleyball, boccia, hockey, kurling and many other fun activities!

Well done to our magnificent netball team! They worked so hard in the freezing cold conditions! 

Cross Country

 Well done to the magnificent year 5 and 6 cross country team who competed at Wilsons Playing Fields! Every member of the boys and girls team managed to finish within the top 100 in each race! A fantastic effort!   

Physical Literacy