01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Year 6

Teacher:  Miss Wilmer

Teaching Assistant:  Miss Mayor

A copy of the Year 6 curriculum overview can be downloaded below.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview 

Summer Term Wider Curriculum Calendar

PE day is Thursday - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit.

Spelling Test Day is Friday.  See both weekly spelling lists below.

Homework is reading 3 x week, X tables Rock Stars weekly, Spelling Shed weekly and our termly topics sheet (see below).

We are currently Reading...


Summer 2

Onwards and Upwards


Our next topic in Year 6 is Onwards and Upwards. 

Throughout this half term we will be conducting a range of projects, linking our learning in a thematic way. 

Above there is a Summer Term Wider Curriculum Calendar outlining all of the things we will be doing and how a wide range of subjects will be linked through key themes.


Spellings and KIRF's

Spellings - Below you will find the spelling lists for this half term.  This year I will be asking the pupils to learn their usual weekly spellings and revise a separate spelling rule that they have learnt previously in KS2.  Both lists are also on Spelling Shed and I encourage the pupils to use this tool to learn the spellings in a fun and interactive way.

KIRF's - Key Instant Recall Facts - The pupils have learnt these over the whole year and now is the time for them to consolidate and practise them as a form of revision.

Summer 2.pptx .pptx

Please find the Termly topic Homework sheet with attached resources for the whole of Spring Term.  Your child will receive owlets as a reward for completing the tasks outlined on the sheet.  

Summer Homework.docx .docx


Below you will find a range of documents and links that can support your child with their SAT's.


Click the link below to go to the BBC Bitesize, SAT's Information and Revision Website.  It has many useful videos to help explain different key elements of the primary curriculum as well as fun games to help with the revision process.

BBC Bitesize SAT's Revision


Click the link below to see the statutory spelling list for Year 3/4 and Year 5/6.

Statutory Spellings


Click the link below to see a Grammar Glossary to help you and your child with their grammar knowledge.

Grammar Glossary