01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Year 6

Teacher:  Miss Wilmer

Teaching Assistant:  Miss Mayor

A copy of the Year 6 curriculum overview can be downloaded below.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview 

Summer Term Wider Curriculum Calendar

PE day is Wednesday - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit.

Spelling Test Day is Friday.  See weekly spelling lists below.

Homework is reading 3 x week, practising weekly spelling (on paper and on Spelling Shed), weekly Times Table Practise. 

We are currently Reading in Literacy and for Pleasure...


Spring 1

Cruel Crimes and Perilous Punishments

Our next topic in Year 6 is Cruel Crimes and Perilous Punishments

We will be learning about Crime and Punishment Through the Ages in History and exploring the text The Highwayman in Literacy. 

In Science we will be learning about the Classification of Living Things.

In DT we will be exploring Mechanical Systems linked to our History unit.

In RE we will be learning about Islam, focusing on the BIG Question - What is Hajj and why is it important to Muslims?

Below you will find Knowledge Organisers.

Science.pdf .pdf
History.pdf .pdf

Spellings, Times Tables Homework and KIRF's 

Spellings - Below you will find the spelling lists for this year.  These lists are also set as weekly assignments on Spelling Shed which I encourage the children to use to learn their spellings as well as on paper.

Times Tables - Below you will also find the Times Table Homework for this year.

At the end of each half term the Spelling and Times Table sheets will need returning to school with a parental signature to show that you acknowledge that your child in practising their spellings and times tables each week. Thank you.


KIRF's - Key Instant Recall Facts - The pupils have learnt these over the whole year and now is the time for them to consolidate and practise them as a form of revision.

Weekly Spellings.pdf .pdf
Weekly Times Tables Homework.pdf .pdf
KIRFs.pdf .pdf


Below you will find a range of documents and links that can support your child with their SAT's.


Click the link below to go to the BBC Bitesize, SAT's Information and Revision Website.  It has many useful videos to help explain different key elements of the primary curriculum as well as fun games to help with the revision process.

BBC Bitesize SAT's Revision


Click the link below to see the statutory spelling list for Year 3/4 and Year 5/6.

Statutory Spellings


Click the link below to see a Grammar Glossary to help you and your child with their grammar knowledge.

Grammar Glossary