Welcome to Year 2 at Huncoat Primary School
Our Year 2 Teacher is Mrs L Casper
Our teaching assistants are Mrs C Newell (am) and Miss L Clarke (pm)
About Year 2
A warm welcome to Year 2! In the mornings the children line up in the yard and are brought into school by either myself (Mrs Casper) or Mrs Newell, our brilliant TA. Miss Clarke will be our afternoon Teaching Assistant. If you have any questions, worries or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to us. A quick word is fine but please do be mindful that it is a busy time. If you would like a chat please wait until after school when all the children have been seen out safely.
Please check that all your child's belongings are clearly labelled, a sharpie pen on the label works fine. Children need to have their PE kit in school at all times please. Our PE day is TUESDAY and sometimes we have additional activities on other days taking place. In Spring Term 1 and Summer Term 2 we also do Dance lessons.
Homework: Our Y2 homework is; practising weekly spellings which are tested on a Friday (these are sent home on a sheet and can also be accessed on Spelling Shed), half termly maths KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) and reading. Your child's progress at school is down to teamwork. Your child will bring home a sheet with their logins and passwords, please keep this safe and easily accessible. Practice really does make perfect and your child will benefit so much from practising their reading book with you most school nights. Please use the reading book diary to comment when you have listened to your child read. A simple comment about the pages read is fine e.g. 'Sam read pages 4 to 7. He tried hard to sound out some tricky words' or ' Sam could talk about what he had just read and answer some simple questions'. Reading books should be brought into school each day so that they can be changed regularly and staff can hear the children read. Your child will have a record sheet in class also to record when they get a new reading book. Once the sheet is full they can select a small prize to keep.
Snacks and drinks: School provides a selection of fruit each day. Your child needs to bring their own water bottle with fresh water in each day please.
You are invited to our Reading Cafe which takes place on Monday afternoons at 3.15pm. This a time to enjoy reading with your child. Please come to the KS1 door and wait to be let into school. We are unable to let you in any earlier as lessons are taking place.
Thank you for your support, Mrs L Casper
In Spring Term 1, Year 2 are Reading for Pleasure...
Mrs Casper reads the class novel to everyone, every day. We enjoy the quiet time together, usually after lunch. It's a great way to practise some of our skills such as listening carefully, identifying and describing characters, learning new vocabulary and magpieing ideas for our own stories. We like to develop the love for reading in Year Two.
Autumn Term 1 Learning in Year 2
Our first short literacy topic is riddles based around food and then we move on to 'Traditional Tales with a Twist'. Our Science topic is all about keeping healthy, food and growth and its title is 'Healthy Hearts and Minds'. In RE we are looking at Christianity with a focus on God and we will be considering 'Does how we treat the world really matter?' We will be developing our geographical vocabulary and going on a walk in our local area to the Coppice in preparation for our Geography topic next half term. Huncoat Values and British Values are central to our P.S.H.E as we learn about and discuss 'Me and My World' and 'Individual Liberty'. In Art we will be developing our painting techniques as we focus on food art. Mrs Williams teaches us Music based around 'Healthy Living' and Mr Radcliffe will be teaching us rolling and target games in P.E. We also like to make observations on the weather and add to our class weather journal, make contributions to our class novel scrapbook and practise our Key Instant Recall Facts in maths. This half term you will see from our homework that we are focussing on number bonds to 20.
Autumn Term 2 Learning
We have an exciting and busy half term ahead! Our literacy unit is based around 'Parcels and Post' and we will be linking our work to two lovely stories; The Birthday Invitation and The Jolly Postman. In History we are learning about Christmas past and present and part of our work will be exploring timelines. Our Geography topic 'Our Local Area' follows on from our fieldwork when we went for a walk visiting The Coppice and making observations in the area that we live. We continue to add to our weather journal as the season changes. In R.E we continue to look at Christianity with a focus on Jesus. We will be asking ' Why do Christians say that Jesus is the light of the world?'. Linking to the British Value of Individual Liberty, our P.S.H.E lessons will explore how we are all different along with Anti-bullying and Growth Mindset. Mrs Williams will be teaching music with the theme of 'I want to play in a band' and she will be helping us to prepare for our Christmas performance. Mr Radcliffe will be teaching us rolling and target games in P.E. This half term you will see that our K.I.R.F.S are multiplication and division facts for the 2x table.
Spring Term 1 Learning
Our literacy topic this half term is 'Brilliant Birds'. We are looking at non-chronological texts and will be producing non-chronological reports. Our History topic is 'Famous people from the past' and we will be having a Christopher Columbus day where history is brought to life by Mrs Newell and I. We will be considering 'How people might express their devotion' in RE. The religion we are finding out about is Hindu Dharma. We will also be doing some DT and learning about mechanisms. Our Huncoat Values remain at the core of our PSHE along with British values. Respect and tolerance and the rule of law will be a focus of our discussions. Mr Radcliffe will be teaching us throwing and target games in PE on Tuesdays and Mrs Williams' music topic is 'I want to play in a band' with some freestyle work. Don't forget to practise doubles and halves of numbers to 20 for our Kirfs .
Spring Term 2 learning
This half term begins with our interesting Geography topic 'Life Down Under' where we will be asking if living in Australia would be better than living in the UK. There will be lots of things to take into consideration. As part of this topic we will be looking at Digimaps and Google Earth. Tales from other lands is the focus for our literacy topic. We will be learning about the story of Tiddalick the greedy frog and How the Koala got his stumpy tail. In Art we will be exploring Aboriginal art and Pointilism. Our science topic is 'Our Natural World' and we will be investigating plants. In R.E. we will be looking at the religion of Islam and asking 'Why do Muslims believe that it is important to obey God?' Our P.S.H.E focus is 'I am Healthy I am Safe' and we will revisit our Autumn science work on diet and also learn about medicines and keeping safe. Our British Values focus is Respect and Tolerance and Rule of Law alongside our School Values. Mrs Williams' music topic is 'Friendship' and Mr Radcliffe's PE is focussing on being healthy. Don't forget to practise our Kirfs for this half term which is multiplication and division facts for the 10x table.
Summer Term 1 Learning
This half term in our Science work we continue to find out about our natural world, we will be making observations of plants growing and finding out more about animals and habitats. In Art we will be focusing on pencil skills, drawing seeds and shoots and developing our sketching and shading skills. We will be taking photographs of our plants growing and deciding which photos to delete or keep. Our R.E. work will focus on Christianity - The Church and we will be asking 'What unites the Christian community?' Our Huncoat School Values remain at the core of our P.S.H.E and our topic this half term is 'Relationships'. Mrs Williams' music topic is 'Zootime Australia' and in P.E. Mr Radcliffe will be helping us develop our bouncing, kicking and bouncing skills. Remember to practise our KIRFs, the focus for this half term is time.
Summer Term 2
This half term is all about ' Seaside, Sunshine and Storms' where we question if weather forecasts are important. In Geography we will be learning about extreme weathers and making additions to our weather journal. In History we will be comparing seasides in the past to current day and designing and making our own seaside bunting in our D.T. lessons (this is always enjoyed by both pupils and adults!). Our Science lessons will focus upon the use of everyday materials. In Art we will be exploring textiles, printing and sewing. In Computing, our work links to our Literacy topic of 'The Owl and The Pussycat' where we will be making a video of performing a verse of the poem and evaluating it. Our P.S.H.E discussions are about 'Changes and Me' which is part of our SRE curriculum where we will learn the correct anatomical names for our body. This links to our British Values for this half term of 'Respect and Tolerance' as well as our Huncoat Values. In R.E we reflect upon 'What aspects of life really matter?' as we study the religion of Judaism. With Mr Radcliffe in P.E. we will be working on creative games and the skills of hitting and striking. Mrs Williams' Music theme is 'Seaside, Ocean, Seas and Rivers' and we will work on composition around a theme. Don't forget to practise our Summer 2 KIRFs which are the multiplication and division facts for the 5x table. There will also be other exciting activities to look forward as we come to the end of another wonderful school year.
Our PE day is Tuesday- Shorts, tee shirt and pumps, all named please. We also do Dance in Spring Term 1 and Summer Term 2.
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