01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR


Our Reading School

Huncoat is a READING SCHOOL where we promote the Love for Reading across all age ranges.


Parents guide to help with reading as well as online books to share at home - click the links below - 

Reading information guide



Recommended Reads -

EYFS                Year 1             Year 2           Year 3         Year 4           Year 5           Year 6


Top Tips for Reading:


We hold an annual Phonics and Reading meeting for our new parents - here is some of the feedback we received:

"Feels good to be able to help my child learn to read using new methods of sounding out"

"It was great to see how my child is learning to put the letters together to make words - he has now started to do this at home"

"We found it helpful to see how our child is learning to read. It also helped reassure us with what we have been doing at home"

"We will take more time now and slow down while reading - following and pointing out key words and letters rather than just reading the book"

Have a look at our 'Read to Succeed' document for tips to help you with reading at home:-



Christmas has come early to Huncoat with a special delivery of books for Christmas reading in December:

Holey Moley by Bethan Clarke

The Perfect Fit by Naomi Jones 

An Emotional Menagerie by Alain De Botton 

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown 

Frankie's World by Aoife Dooley

Christmas Delivery

Book Fair 2024

Our first Book Fair has been a great success with £521.42 worth of books sold. This is fabulous news, thank you for all parents who bought books and for the staff who arranged the fair. Hopefully we can hold the Book Fair again in 2025. 

Reception's Everywhere Bear...

World Book Day 2024

We linked our World Book Day to STEM activities looking at stories which inspire science/ technology/DT thinking.

EYFS are linking The Colour Monster to colour mixing and watching what happens when skittles are put in water!

Yr1 are building 3 Little Pigs Houses that dont blow down! The Big Bad Wold tried to blow them all down but Yr1 stayed safe in their houses! 

Yr2 are linking The Gruffalo to many different habitats.

Yr3 are linking their Roman learning to Romelus & Remus and making a new moses basket.

Yr4 are linking their literacy to Recycling and The Last Bear. 

Yr5 are making lifecycle shoe boxes linked to The Great Kapok Tree.

Yr6 are disecting hearts to link to Pig Heart Boy! 

Check out our Doors for World Book Day! 

Sibling Readers club

We have recently trained up our year 5 and 6 children who have siblings to read with them. They do a fantastic job segmenting and blending words for their brothers/sisters! The children have really enjoyed listening to their siblings and asking them questions about the stories that are being read. A huge well done to key stage one, fabulous reading! Miss Gregory.


Linking our Reading to Mental Health

We have been lucky enough to have beautiful books donated to us by Accrington Libraray all about our Mental Health, there are stories for all ages/ Year 6 Mental Health/ worries and anxieties/ anger and ways to recognise its ok to feel all these things!


Santa has come early to Huncoat in 2023...and delivered us some fantastic class reads: 

The Christmasaurus Picture Book

The Pine Tree

The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List

The Girls who saved Christmas 

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Non-Fiction November

During November each class will be focusing on non-fiction texts as part of their Guided or Whole Class reading sessions plus our extended writing is focused on non-fiction too.


Here are some of the wonderful and wacky entries from our 'Roald Dahl Day' design a chocolate bar competition - September 2021

World Book Day 2022 - Alice in Wonderland 

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Can you guess which teachers are reading in our Guess Who Challenge?

Look at some of our 'Recreate a Book Cover' entries.

Well done to Ted, Matthew, Elena, Tilly and Lucas for being our prize winners!

Check out some of the images below that show our Reading School: 

Inspirational People - we have been kindly donated some money and we have chosen to buy books to inspire our children to fulfill their dreams and ambitions.

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We asked all the children...

Can you complete our Christmas Reading Challenge and win a prize worth 25 Owlets?

Lots of families had great fun completing the challenge over the Christmas holidays.

Well done to our winners Felix and Rohan whose names were drawn out of a hat to win a £10 Amazon book voucher!

Look at our stories all linked to Online Safety - we can explore being Safe Online through books and stories! 


We are loving our brand new storysacks in EYFS.

Our teachers spent a long time creating them for us to enjoy at home.

Our Reading Booth - to help us focus on key questions whilst we read to adults. 


World Book day

Our Breakfast Readers - share a story with toast and family! 

World Book Day - Hot Chocolate and Story Time 

Bedtime Baskets

EYFS are so lucky to take home our Bedtime Baskets home for the week, full of bedtime reads and hot chocolate!

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Dear Santa,

Please can my class have a new book to read in January? 

Love from class...


Check out all the books and quotes on our new Book Shelves - they will change each term! 


Our Fantastic Book Awards Pack has arrived... all ready for some yr5/6 to commit to the challenge! 


We are very excited that our Brilliant Book Awards have arrived all ready for Year 2 in Spring! 


Read your way to From the North Pole to Christmas!

Each daily read is 1 mile - can we bring Christmas to Huncoat? 
