At Huncoat we have a wide range of different interventions to support as many of our children as we can in a range of different ways. Here are some of the interventions we are fortunate enough to run and the impact they have:
Speech and language:
At Huncoat we have our own Speech Therapist who works alongside our youngest children; assessing their Speech and Communication on entry into Nursery and working with them, using the WellComm Programme, through into reception and year 1. This support also carries on throughout school for those who still require help and support. The development of each child's Speech is assessed regularly and children leave the programme inline with their peers. Other Speech and Language programmes we use alongside our Therapist support are: Time to Talk/ Ginger Bears/ Blank.
Alongside this we use Lego Therapy for communication and listening.
Motor Skills:
Mrs Wilson takes both KS1 and 2 children for intervention for motor skills - this could be handwriting/ Lego Therapy etc -
We use a specific programme for handwriting; Write from the Start and Speed Up. It follows children through a specific unit. This helps children with their motor skills/ their writing back in class/ their spelling and their confidence.
We also use Board games as a social skill that enhances talk/ listening skills/ manipulating fine gross motor skills and cross curricular ie maths
Individual Readers:
Our TAs hear children read for fluency, phonic awareness and comprehension from Yr1-6. This is additional to guided read/ extra class reading. We are lucky to have volunteers who come into school to help listen to readers.
All our readers who need extra support are heard read 3-5 times a week by our TAs and everyone else is heard read 1-2 time a week.
Extra Literacy, English and Phonics:
In Yr2, 3 and 4 our children do the Bounce Back phonics to help those children where phonics is a barrier to their learning and Yr2 children who didn't achieve their phonics screening use Catch up Phonics to show progress and give extra support in this area.
Extra intervention in Yr5/6 for phonics is put in place.
We use Lexia to improve reading from SEN/ EHCP and also for those children who need a quick boost in reading to gain Age Range Expectations
In addition to specific programmes: All our Teachers/TAs put in small group extra support to help with comprehension, phonics, fluency, speed read, high order questionning.
Extra Guided Read is used for a small group of children.
Times Tables Rock Stars is used in KS2 to help children speed up their recall of facts and Numbots in KS1. Our TAs also do a catch up times tables session with KS2 children who struggle to retain key facts.
All children use the Key Learning Facts programme from yr1-6, KS2 complete Fluent in 5 every morning - both help with the speed and recall of knowledge facts.
KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts) are used with all children from Yr1-6 to help with basic facts in maths.
Huncoat also uses Power Maths 1 and 2 - which is a specific book tailored to help children who struggle with maths learning.
In addition to specific programmes: All our Teachers/ TAs put in small extra group support in Arithmetic, Reasoning, Times Tables to aid fluency, problem solving.
Individual Education Plans:
Our TAs help certain children achieve specific targets set each term in Reading/ Writing/ Maths/ Social, Emotional, Behaviour Skills. These are assessed and evaluated termly and new targets set.
Lego Therapy:
Our Teaching Assistants are trained to use the Lego Therapy Programme with our children and we take groups of children for Lego Therapy. This focuses on motor skills/ turn taking/ communication/ instructions/ team work/ self esteem.
Wellbeing Warriors/ MIND:
We bought into a service, called Wellbeing Warriors, which was run by a team who came into school to work with upto 10 children together, for 10 weeks, to help these children socially and emotionally. The programme assessed the children's wellbeing and esteem at the beginning and then re-assessed their feelings/ confidence/ esteem and wellbeing at the end of the programme and gave suggestions on how children can use self-help strategies when they feel they need it. In Sept 2024 we have started by using MIND to help small groups of children with self-regulation. MIND also complete a 6 week programme in Autumn with Year 5 'Bounce Forward' to help with resilince, friendships, confidence, team work.
Social Skills Time, ELSA and Counselling:
Three of our Teaching assistants work across school helping children with social skills, emotional and behavioural needs. They spend time with individual children helping them overcome any difficulties that arise both at home and in school. Mrs Benson is a qualified ELSA teaching assistant and she follows the ELSA programme with children who need help with emotional, anger, trauma and specific behavioural needs. Sher is trained in Restorative Justice, bereavment, trauma, This 1:1 time helps our children settle in to class, settle disputes with friends and aids with their behaviour for learning.
Dinner Time nurture and Friday afternoon Nurture helps children socialise, spend time talking to each other, sharing, listening and helping each other.
We have a trained counsellor we share with the LET Trust schools, who works with children on specific needs.
Family Wellbeing Services:
Familiy Wellbeing Services come into school and work with children for 2-4 weeks on Online Safety/ Resilience etc
Chat, Play, Sing, Read:
This is aimed at 0-3 years of age. It is run once a week and helps our youngest members of our families with story/ language/ vocabulary/ early counting/ singing rhymes and communication.
We use intervention short bursts in PE to help children with: extra fitness/ mental health/ co-ordination skills/ esteem/ turn taking