01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Remote Home Learning

The remote home learning lead at Huncoat Primary School is Mrs Dickinson

Remote home learning is used when part or whole of the school is closed to our children. Huncoat is committed to ensuring high quality learning continues at home and communication between staff, parents and children is our highest priority.

Our Remote Home Learning from Nursery to Year 6:

The required time that children should spend remote home learning:

KS1: 3 hours a day

KS2: 4 hours a day

Our provision reflects the need for this time.

  • Parents are contacted via email and all work & resources are sent via email (unless a paper copy has been requested)
  • Learning runs on a 10 day basis and continues to focus on the curriculum: Literacy/ Numeracy/ Grammar/Phonics     Foundation Subjects: History, Geography, Art, Science, Music, French, PSHE, RE  
  • If parents request a paper copy of the 10 day learning & resources they can collect this from the office (following covid safety rules)
  • Online zoom lessons are conducted and all children are encouraged to join and this is followed up for accountability
  • Work following the zoom reflects the online teaching to enable independence in learning
  • Tailored zoom lessons are conducted for those who require extra support ie small group zoom
  • The EYFS team continue to contact their parents through FAMLY and Zoom sessions for 3-5 year olds
  • Our Speech & Language therapist continues to support children in school and at home via zoom
  • Individual needs are catered for through zoom IEP work/ in school IEP work/ behaviourial needs
  • Worship is offered via zoom once per week 

Please note the timetable for each class may vary due to the age of the children, we take into account our live lessons don't clash with siblings live lessons, and also the lesson variations in each age group. 

Teaching Approaches:

  • live zoom lessons
  • tailored mini zoom lessons for extension/ consolidation
  • shared powerpoint presentations
  • IEP & Speech & language zooms
  • communication through phone twice weekly phone calls and emails
  • printed paperpacks
  • novels and high quality texts used and shared
  • online platforms, youtube links, signposted sites ie bbc bitesize/ oxford owl 


Feedback can come in many forms and not just from lengthy written feedback:

  • Feedback for their learning is given through Purple Mash and via email when work is sent in
  • We ring all our families every week and hold discussions around their home learning take place, the quality of work and engagement 
  • Zoom lessons contain verbal feedback
  • Tailored 'mini' zoom lessons are offered based on feedback in the main zoom lesson
  • zoom lessons may include quizzes, mini tests ie arithmetic, spelling 


Who to contact if you are concerned about home learning:

The first point of contact is the class teacher or the TA during the twice weekly phone call, they will help you with any learning or home support

For SEN concerns please contact the SENDCO: Mrs Taylor - through the office

Please contact Mrs Dickinson if you wish to talk through any concerns no matter how small - head@huncoat.lancs.sch.uk


Engagement for Learning:

  • twice weekly calls will be made to ensure your child is engaging with learning; if a child misses their zoom lesson teachers will follow this up
  • Online platforms will be monitored, marked and fedback throughout the week including Reading Blogs
  • engagement over zoom will be registered and communicated with the children
  • if there has been no communication through zoom, online platforms, missed calls this will be followed up by the SLT and pastoral lead and possible home visits made (covid safe)


We also use the following platforms to enhance learning:

all children are familiar with these platforms and use them in school and as part of regular homework

Purple Mash

X tables Rockstars/ Numbots 

Spelling Shed



You will be contacted by your teacher with zoom lesson codes and passwords prior to the lesson 

To protect Safeguarding and GDPR we ask that no adult or child videos' the zoom lesson 

Be ready:

We ask children to be fully dressed

Have pen, paper handy

Make sure children have used the toilet first 

Be on time so the lesson can start

Be respectful to others - no laughing at others, typing on the chat unless asked, listen to the lesson and engage with the lesson 

Zoom Code of Conduct for Parents                 

Zoom Code of Conduct for Pupils


How can parents support home learning:

  • allow your child to access live zoom lessons; be up in time, in a quiet space
  • try and find places for your child to work ie: on a table, in quiet
  • give your child regular breaks and snacks
  • encourage learning and praise them for learning
  • listen to them read 3-4 times a week
  • ask for help from school
  • pick up your paperpack in time for Monday's learning


Reading at Home:

We continue to promote and encourage Reading at Home through:

  • sending specific reading activities/ comprehension home/ guided reading tasks
  • literacy is based around reading
  • guided reading is based on book bands in the EY/KS1
  • youtube links to audial books sent home after the reading stage to enjoy
  • sending class novels in some year groups with work linked
  • sending StoryTime Magazine for Yr2-4
  • sending mini pdf novels home
  • zoom story time for the Early Years 
  • sending ebooks to enjoy: Oxford Owl/ Oak Academy Library/ BBC Teach/ StoryNory/ Books for Topics 
  • reading at home blogs on Purple Mash 
  • certificates/ rewards for those who engage with reading at home 
  • audio versions of story for engagement and to help those who need to access reading in different ways 

Phonics & Spelling at Home:

  • we continue to teach phonics from Nursery - Year 2
  • tailored lessons in the Early Years are taught on zoom so the phonic phases can be taught individually
  • a daily Letters & Sounds video is posted to all children depending on their phonic phases and this work is followed up via phone calls
  • work sent home in the Early Years is based on decodable sounds
  • Reading from Reception to Yr2 is phonics based
  • Spelling shed is continued to be encouraged and part of the weekly plans focus on spellings

Maths at Home:

  • daily maths lessons following our curriculum
  • zoom online lessons following our maths curriculum with follow up work
  • x tables rock stars built into the 10 day learning plan
  • tailored zoom lessons in maths for small groups
  • maths challenges sent home
  • Battle of the Bands set up on x table rock stars for encouragement and love for learning 

Special educational needs:

We work very hard to support all our learners at all levels:

  • In school Speech & Language therapy is available for those children in school
  • Zoom Speech & language therapy is available weekly for targeted children and we encourage attendance at this (this is followed up if session are missed)
  • Differentiated work is sent home for certain children
  • Audial recorded versions of books are provided so all readers can access the home learning
  • IEPs are catered for in school through intervention and at home via zoom - attendance to zoom IEP work is encouraged and followed up
  • Needs of behavioural children are taken into account and support is offered to those children
  • Parents are supported individually if they need help educating children with needs
  • resources are loaned out ie handwriting books/ over lay screens/ decodable books
  • SEND newsletter is posted out

Extra Challenges:

  • Art competition sent home on our Term's Artist
  • Writing Competition set
  • Picture News sent home for PSHE/Writing/Speaking & Listening
  • Purple Mash challenges on the wider curriculum including Music, French, History, Geography, Science
  • Children's University challenges to gain points for their graduation
  • RE: Shrove Tuesday Challenge and Chinese New Year tasks set
  • DT: food week, learning new cooking skills
  • 'Feel Good Friday' - an afternoon of learning new skills: knitting/cooking/ playing an instrument/ painting / gardening etc


Extra Information:


Praise & recognition:

We continue to send our Star of the Week home: both for home learning and in school learning 

Children are praised for any work sent in

Reading at Home is recognised and praised

We continue to send our Star Postcards for those who complete excellent work in school/ at home 

Our Stars of the week are posted on our home page on the website through a video link


Pastoral Support:

All our vulnerable children are encouraged to attend school at this time

We ring all our families every week to see how they are/ offer support and to talk to our children 

Pastoral Support is offered to any families we think need the extra support including food/child protection support/ family routines/ adult help with learning/ adult self care / technology & digital devices/ behavioural support/mental health

1/2/21 is Children's Mental Health Week and this is planned into activities both in school and at home. A Yr3 keyworker child asked for Friday 5th to be 'Express Yourself' day in school and at home.

Notices offering support are sent home ie domestic violence help/ mental health help/ SEND newsletters

Families can contact our pastoral phone and can request a number from the office - we use this to support our families with concerns, routines and behaviours at home 

Covid safe home visits can take place if we are very concerned or a family request a visit


Online Learning/ Digital Support:

Laptops/ Ipads/ Chargers/kindle tablets are available to loan out from school if families need access to digital learning

Information on accessing learning through games consoles is sent home

Learning through bbc bitesize on the tv information is sent out

Schools will provide support to any families on setting up emails/ using technology / accessing zoom


Flexibility of Learning:

 We understand at Huncoat that home learning is difficult. Parents might be working from home and they need the space, time and resources to work. Siblings at high school are required to use technology throughout the day or may be studying for GCSE,A Levels. Often finding a quiet space can be difficult for your child to learn. And when we have technology it often fails. We understand that our children may have to work around these pressures to complete their learning and we are here to support all our families as best we can. 


Key Worker Children

Children in school are still accessing the same curriculum as those Home Learning

Learning includes: phonics/ literacy/ numeracy/ science/ art/ DT/ history/ geography, PSHE, RE 

Children are taught and heard read

Extra lessons are provided in:  PE / French and Music are taught by specialist staff

The children can access the same work on the Learning Platforms

We encourage the children in school to still Read at Home and tell us about their home reading

Feedback is given to these children via work in their exercise books and verbal feedback

Children are praised in the same way through certificates sent home, star of the week etc

Children in school access the online platforms: Purple Mash/ Times Tables Rock Stars/ Spelling Shed

If a Key worker child is absent from school we encourage them to join in with home learning and online live lessons



We continue to safe guard our children and families through our CPOMS recording system. 

Our Safeguarding leads continue to work on site 5 days a week and any concerns can be reported to the Head Teacher (Main DSL) or the pastoral Lead

We are working very hard to reach out to all our families at home and support is available from school at all times

Online safety continues to be a school priority and as children work online more we want them to be safe. Please report any online bullying/ concerns to the Head Teacher and these will be dealt with quickly.

9/2/21 is online safety day and full day lessons are planned both in school and at home to raise awareness. 

Home learning - image 0
Home learning - image 1
Home learning - image 2
01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Remote Home Learning

The remote home learning lead at Huncoat Primary School is Mrs Dickinson

Remote home learning is used when part or whole of the school is closed to our children. Huncoat is committed to ensuring high quality learning continues at home and communication between staff, parents and children is our highest priority.

Our Remote Home Learning from Nursery to Year 6:

The required time that children should spend remote home learning:

KS1: 3 hours a day

KS2: 4 hours a day

Our provision reflects the need for this time.

  • Parents are contacted via email and all work & resources are sent via email (unless a paper copy has been requested)
  • Learning runs on a 10 day basis and continues to focus on the curriculum: Literacy/ Numeracy/ Grammar/Phonics     Foundation Subjects: History, Geography, Art, Science, Music, French, PSHE, RE  
  • If parents request a paper copy of the 10 day learning & resources they can collect this from the office (following covid safety rules)
  • Online zoom lessons are conducted and all children are encouraged to join and this is followed up for accountability
  • Work following the zoom reflects the online teaching to enable independence in learning
  • Tailored zoom lessons are conducted for those who require extra support ie small group zoom
  • The EYFS team continue to contact their parents through FAMLY and Zoom sessions for 3-5 year olds
  • Our Speech & Language therapist continues to support children in school and at home via zoom
  • Individual needs are catered for through zoom IEP work/ in school IEP work/ behaviourial needs
  • Worship is offered via zoom once per week 

Please note the timetable for each class may vary due to the age of the children, we take into account our live lessons don't clash with siblings live lessons, and also the lesson variations in each age group. 

Teaching Approaches:

  • live zoom lessons
  • tailored mini zoom lessons for extension/ consolidation
  • shared powerpoint presentations
  • IEP & Speech & language zooms
  • communication through phone twice weekly phone calls and emails
  • printed paperpacks
  • novels and high quality texts used and shared
  • online platforms, youtube links, signposted sites ie bbc bitesize/ oxford owl 


Feedback can come in many forms and not just from lengthy written feedback:

  • Feedback for their learning is given through Purple Mash and via email when work is sent in
  • We ring all our families every week and hold discussions around their home learning take place, the quality of work and engagement 
  • Zoom lessons contain verbal feedback
  • Tailored 'mini' zoom lessons are offered based on feedback in the main zoom lesson
  • zoom lessons may include quizzes, mini tests ie arithmetic, spelling 


Who to contact if you are concerned about home learning:

The first point of contact is the class teacher or the TA during the twice weekly phone call, they will help you with any learning or home support

For SEN concerns please contact the SENDCO: Mrs Taylor - through the office

Please contact Mrs Dickinson if you wish to talk through any concerns no matter how small - head@huncoat.lancs.sch.uk


Engagement for Learning:

  • twice weekly calls will be made to ensure your child is engaging with learning; if a child misses their zoom lesson teachers will follow this up
  • Online platforms will be monitored, marked and fedback throughout the week including Reading Blogs
  • engagement over zoom will be registered and communicated with the children
  • if there has been no communication through zoom, online platforms, missed calls this will be followed up by the SLT and pastoral lead and possible home visits made (covid safe)


We also use the following platforms to enhance learning:

all children are familiar with these platforms and use them in school and as part of regular homework

Purple Mash

X tables Rockstars/ Numbots 

Spelling Shed



You will be contacted by your teacher with zoom lesson codes and passwords prior to the lesson 

To protect Safeguarding and GDPR we ask that no adult or child videos' the zoom lesson 

Be ready:

We ask children to be fully dressed

Have pen, paper handy

Make sure children have used the toilet first 

Be on time so the lesson can start

Be respectful to others - no laughing at others, typing on the chat unless asked, listen to the lesson and engage with the lesson 

Zoom Code of Conduct for Parents                 

Zoom Code of Conduct for Pupils


How can parents support home learning:

  • allow your child to access live zoom lessons; be up in time, in a quiet space
  • try and find places for your child to work ie: on a table, in quiet
  • give your child regular breaks and snacks
  • encourage learning and praise them for learning
  • listen to them read 3-4 times a week
  • ask for help from school
  • pick up your paperpack in time for Monday's learning


Reading at Home:

We continue to promote and encourage Reading at Home through:

  • sending specific reading activities/ comprehension home/ guided reading tasks
  • literacy is based around reading
  • guided reading is based on book bands in the EY/KS1
  • youtube links to audial books sent home after the reading stage to enjoy
  • sending class novels in some year groups with work linked
  • sending StoryTime Magazine for Yr2-4
  • sending mini pdf novels home
  • zoom story time for the Early Years 
  • sending ebooks to enjoy: Oxford Owl/ Oak Academy Library/ BBC Teach/ StoryNory/ Books for Topics 
  • reading at home blogs on Purple Mash 
  • certificates/ rewards for those who engage with reading at home 
  • audio versions of story for engagement and to help those who need to access reading in different ways 

Phonics & Spelling at Home:

  • we continue to teach phonics from Nursery - Year 2
  • tailored lessons in the Early Years are taught on zoom so the phonic phases can be taught individually
  • a daily Letters & Sounds video is posted to all children depending on their phonic phases and this work is followed up via phone calls
  • work sent home in the Early Years is based on decodable sounds
  • Reading from Reception to Yr2 is phonics based
  • Spelling shed is continued to be encouraged and part of the weekly plans focus on spellings

Maths at Home:

  • daily maths lessons following our curriculum
  • zoom online lessons following our maths curriculum with follow up work
  • x tables rock stars built into the 10 day learning plan
  • tailored zoom lessons in maths for small groups
  • maths challenges sent home
  • Battle of the Bands set up on x table rock stars for encouragement and love for learning 

Special educational needs:

We work very hard to support all our learners at all levels:

  • In school Speech & Language therapy is available for those children in school
  • Zoom Speech & language therapy is available weekly for targeted children and we encourage attendance at this (this is followed up if session are missed)
  • Differentiated work is sent home for certain children
  • Audial recorded versions of books are provided so all readers can access the home learning
  • IEPs are catered for in school through intervention and at home via zoom - attendance to zoom IEP work is encouraged and followed up
  • Needs of behavioural children are taken into account and support is offered to those children
  • Parents are supported individually if they need help educating children with needs
  • resources are loaned out ie handwriting books/ over lay screens/ decodable books
  • SEND newsletter is posted out

Extra Challenges:

  • Art competition sent home on our Term's Artist
  • Writing Competition set
  • Picture News sent home for PSHE/Writing/Speaking & Listening
  • Purple Mash challenges on the wider curriculum including Music, French, History, Geography, Science
  • Children's University challenges to gain points for their graduation
  • RE: Shrove Tuesday Challenge and Chinese New Year tasks set
  • DT: food week, learning new cooking skills
  • 'Feel Good Friday' - an afternoon of learning new skills: knitting/cooking/ playing an instrument/ painting / gardening etc


Extra Information:


Praise & recognition:

We continue to send our Star of the Week home: both for home learning and in school learning 

Children are praised for any work sent in

Reading at Home is recognised and praised

We continue to send our Star Postcards for those who complete excellent work in school/ at home 

Our Stars of the week are posted on our home page on the website through a video link


Pastoral Support:

All our vulnerable children are encouraged to attend school at this time

We ring all our families every week to see how they are/ offer support and to talk to our children 

Pastoral Support is offered to any families we think need the extra support including food/child protection support/ family routines/ adult help with learning/ adult self care / technology & digital devices/ behavioural support/mental health

1/2/21 is Children's Mental Health Week and this is planned into activities both in school and at home. A Yr3 keyworker child asked for Friday 5th to be 'Express Yourself' day in school and at home.

Notices offering support are sent home ie domestic violence help/ mental health help/ SEND newsletters

Families can contact our pastoral phone and can request a number from the office - we use this to support our families with concerns, routines and behaviours at home 

Covid safe home visits can take place if we are very concerned or a family request a visit


Online Learning/ Digital Support:

Laptops/ Ipads/ Chargers/kindle tablets are available to loan out from school if families need access to digital learning

Information on accessing learning through games consoles is sent home

Learning through bbc bitesize on the tv information is sent out

Schools will provide support to any families on setting up emails/ using technology / accessing zoom


Flexibility of Learning:

 We understand at Huncoat that home learning is difficult. Parents might be working from home and they need the space, time and resources to work. Siblings at high school are required to use technology throughout the day or may be studying for GCSE,A Levels. Often finding a quiet space can be difficult for your child to learn. And when we have technology it often fails. We understand that our children may have to work around these pressures to complete their learning and we are here to support all our families as best we can. 


Key Worker Children

Children in school are still accessing the same curriculum as those Home Learning

Learning includes: phonics/ literacy/ numeracy/ science/ art/ DT/ history/ geography, PSHE, RE 

Children are taught and heard read

Extra lessons are provided in:  PE / French and Music are taught by specialist staff

The children can access the same work on the Learning Platforms

We encourage the children in school to still Read at Home and tell us about their home reading

Feedback is given to these children via work in their exercise books and verbal feedback

Children are praised in the same way through certificates sent home, star of the week etc

Children in school access the online platforms: Purple Mash/ Times Tables Rock Stars/ Spelling Shed

If a Key worker child is absent from school we encourage them to join in with home learning and online live lessons



We continue to safe guard our children and families through our CPOMS recording system. 

Our Safeguarding leads continue to work on site 5 days a week and any concerns can be reported to the Head Teacher (Main DSL) or the pastoral Lead

We are working very hard to reach out to all our families at home and support is available from school at all times

Online safety continues to be a school priority and as children work online more we want them to be safe. Please report any online bullying/ concerns to the Head Teacher and these will be dealt with quickly.

9/2/21 is online safety day and full day lessons are planned both in school and at home to raise awareness. 

Home learning - image 0
Home learning - image 1
Home learning - image 2
01254 233369
Lynwood Rd, Huncoat, Accrington , BB5 6LR

Remote Home Learning

The remote home learning lead at Huncoat Primary School is Mrs Dickinson

Remote home learning is used when part or whole of the school is closed to our children. Huncoat is committed to ensuring high quality learning continues at home and communication between staff, parents and children is our highest priority.

Our Remote Home Learning from Nursery to Year 6:

The required time that children should spend remote home learning:

KS1: 3 hours a day

KS2: 4 hours a day

Our provision reflects the need for this time.

  • Parents are contacted via email and all work & resources are sent via email (unless a paper copy has been requested)
  • Learning runs on a 10 day basis and continues to focus on the curriculum: Literacy/ Numeracy/ Grammar/Phonics     Foundation Subjects: History, Geography, Art, Science, Music, French, PSHE, RE  
  • If parents request a paper copy of the 10 day learning & resources they can collect this from the office (following covid safety rules)
  • Online zoom lessons are conducted and all children are encouraged to join and this is followed up for accountability
  • Work following the zoom reflects the online teaching to enable independence in learning
  • Tailored zoom lessons are conducted for those who require extra support ie small group zoom
  • The EYFS team continue to contact their parents through FAMLY and Zoom sessions for 3-5 year olds
  • Our Speech & Language therapist continues to support children in school and at home via zoom
  • Individual needs are catered for through zoom IEP work/ in school IEP work/ behaviourial needs
  • Worship is offered via zoom once per week 

Please note the timetable for each class may vary due to the age of the children, we take into account our live lessons don't clash with siblings live lessons, and also the lesson variations in each age group. 

Teaching Approaches:

  • live zoom lessons
  • tailored mini zoom lessons for extension/ consolidation
  • shared powerpoint presentations
  • IEP & Speech & language zooms
  • communication through phone twice weekly phone calls and emails
  • printed paperpacks
  • novels and high quality texts used and shared
  • online platforms, youtube links, signposted sites ie bbc bitesize/ oxford owl 


Feedback can come in many forms and not just from lengthy written feedback:

  • Feedback for their learning is given through Purple Mash and via email when work is sent in
  • We ring all our families every week and hold discussions around their home learning take place, the quality of work and engagement 
  • Zoom lessons contain verbal feedback
  • Tailored 'mini' zoom lessons are offered based on feedback in the main zoom lesson
  • zoom lessons may include quizzes, mini tests ie arithmetic, spelling 


Who to contact if you are concerned about home learning:

The first point of contact is the class teacher or the TA during the twice weekly phone call, they will help you with any learning or home support

For SEN concerns please contact the SENDCO: Mrs Taylor - through the office

Please contact Mrs Dickinson if you wish to talk through any concerns no matter how small - head@huncoat.lancs.sch.uk


Engagement for Learning:

  • twice weekly calls will be made to ensure your child is engaging with learning; if a child misses their zoom lesson teachers will follow this up
  • Online platforms will be monitored, marked and fedback throughout the week including Reading Blogs
  • engagement over zoom will be registered and communicated with the children
  • if there has been no communication through zoom, online platforms, missed calls this will be followed up by the SLT and pastoral lead and possible home visits made (covid safe)


We also use the following platforms to enhance learning:

all children are familiar with these platforms and use them in school and as part of regular homework

Purple Mash

X tables Rockstars/ Numbots 

Spelling Shed



You will be contacted by your teacher with zoom lesson codes and passwords prior to the lesson 

To protect Safeguarding and GDPR we ask that no adult or child videos' the zoom lesson 

Be ready:

We ask children to be fully dressed

Have pen, paper handy

Make sure children have used the toilet first 

Be on time so the lesson can start

Be respectful to others - no laughing at others, typing on the chat unless asked, listen to the lesson and engage with the lesson 

Zoom Code of Conduct for Parents                 

Zoom Code of Conduct for Pupils


How can parents support home learning:

  • allow your child to access live zoom lessons; be up in time, in a quiet space
  • try and find places for your child to work ie: on a table, in quiet
  • give your child regular breaks and snacks
  • encourage learning and praise them for learning
  • listen to them read 3-4 times a week
  • ask for help from school
  • pick up your paperpack in time for Monday's learning


Reading at Home:

We continue to promote and encourage Reading at Home through:

  • sending specific reading activities/ comprehension home/ guided reading tasks
  • literacy is based around reading
  • guided reading is based on book bands in the EY/KS1
  • youtube links to audial books sent home after the reading stage to enjoy
  • sending class novels in some year groups with work linked
  • sending StoryTime Magazine for Yr2-4
  • sending mini pdf novels home
  • zoom story time for the Early Years 
  • sending ebooks to enjoy: Oxford Owl/ Oak Academy Library/ BBC Teach/ StoryNory/ Books for Topics 
  • reading at home blogs on Purple Mash 
  • certificates/ rewards for those who engage with reading at home 
  • audio versions of story for engagement and to help those who need to access reading in different ways 

Phonics & Spelling at Home:

  • we continue to teach phonics from Nursery - Year 2
  • tailored lessons in the Early Years are taught on zoom so the phonic phases can be taught individually
  • a daily Letters & Sounds video is posted to all children depending on their phonic phases and this work is followed up via phone calls
  • work sent home in the Early Years is based on decodable sounds
  • Reading from Reception to Yr2 is phonics based
  • Spelling shed is continued to be encouraged and part of the weekly plans focus on spellings

Maths at Home:

  • daily maths lessons following our curriculum
  • zoom online lessons following our maths curriculum with follow up work
  • x tables rock stars built into the 10 day learning plan
  • tailored zoom lessons in maths for small groups
  • maths challenges sent home
  • Battle of the Bands set up on x table rock stars for encouragement and love for learning 

Special educational needs:

We work very hard to support all our learners at all levels:

  • In school Speech & Language therapy is available for those children in school
  • Zoom Speech & language therapy is available weekly for targeted children and we encourage attendance at this (this is followed up if session are missed)
  • Differentiated work is sent home for certain children
  • Audial recorded versions of books are provided so all readers can access the home learning
  • IEPs are catered for in school through intervention and at home via zoom - attendance to zoom IEP work is encouraged and followed up
  • Needs of behavioural children are taken into account and support is offered to those children
  • Parents are supported individually if they need help educating children with needs
  • resources are loaned out ie handwriting books/ over lay screens/ decodable books
  • SEND newsletter is posted out

Extra Challenges:

  • Art competition sent home on our Term's Artist
  • Writing Competition set
  • Picture News sent home for PSHE/Writing/Speaking & Listening
  • Purple Mash challenges on the wider curriculum including Music, French, History, Geography, Science
  • Children's University challenges to gain points for their graduation
  • RE: Shrove Tuesday Challenge and Chinese New Year tasks set
  • DT: food week, learning new cooking skills
  • 'Feel Good Friday' - an afternoon of learning new skills: knitting/cooking/ playing an instrument/ painting / gardening etc


Extra Information:


Praise & recognition:

We continue to send our Star of the Week home: both for home learning and in school learning 

Children are praised for any work sent in

Reading at Home is recognised and praised

We continue to send our Star Postcards for those who complete excellent work in school/ at home 

Our Stars of the week are posted on our home page on the website through a video link


Pastoral Support:

All our vulnerable children are encouraged to attend school at this time

We ring all our families every week to see how they are/ offer support and to talk to our children 

Pastoral Support is offered to any families we think need the extra support including food/child protection support/ family routines/ adult help with learning/ adult self care / technology & digital devices/ behavioural support/mental health

1/2/21 is Children's Mental Health Week and this is planned into activities both in school and at home. A Yr3 keyworker child asked for Friday 5th to be 'Express Yourself' day in school and at home.

Notices offering support are sent home ie domestic violence help/ mental health help/ SEND newsletters

Families can contact our pastoral phone and can request a number from the office - we use this to support our families with concerns, routines and behaviours at home 

Covid safe home visits can take place if we are very concerned or a family request a visit


Online Learning/ Digital Support:

Laptops/ Ipads/ Chargers/kindle tablets are available to loan out from school if families need access to digital learning

Information on accessing learning through games consoles is sent home

Learning through bbc bitesize on the tv information is sent out

Schools will provide support to any families on setting up emails/ using technology / accessing zoom


Flexibility of Learning:

 We understand at Huncoat that home learning is difficult. Parents might be working from home and they need the space, time and resources to work. Siblings at high school are required to use technology throughout the day or may be studying for GCSE,A Levels. Often finding a quiet space can be difficult for your child to learn. And when we have technology it often fails. We understand that our children may have to work around these pressures to complete their learning and we are here to support all our families as best we can. 


Key Worker Children

Children in school are still accessing the same curriculum as those Home Learning

Learning includes: phonics/ literacy/ numeracy/ science/ art/ DT/ history/ geography, PSHE, RE 

Children are taught and heard read

Extra lessons are provided in:  PE / French and Music are taught by specialist staff

The children can access the same work on the Learning Platforms

We encourage the children in school to still Read at Home and tell us about their home reading

Feedback is given to these children via work in their exercise books and verbal feedback

Children are praised in the same way through certificates sent home, star of the week etc

Children in school access the online platforms: Purple Mash/ Times Tables Rock Stars/ Spelling Shed

If a Key worker child is absent from school we encourage them to join in with home learning and online live lessons



We continue to safe guard our children and families through our CPOMS recording system. 

Our Safeguarding leads continue to work on site 5 days a week and any concerns can be reported to the Head Teacher (Main DSL) or the pastoral Lead

We are working very hard to reach out to all our families at home and support is available from school at all times

Online safety continues to be a school priority and as children work online more we want them to be safe. Please report any online bullying/ concerns to the Head Teacher and these will be dealt with quickly.

9/2/21 is online safety day and full day lessons are planned both in school and at home to raise awareness. 

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Home learning - image 1
Home learning - image 2